How to choose a Business Coach for 2023

Recession! Food shortages! No gas!  

AND you are trying to grow a consultancy – by yourself, hearing all of this and wondering what’s in store for next year.  

You want to invest in yourself and there’s just so much ‘noise’ out there.  

I read the phrases YOU SHOULD or STOP DOING all the time on social media from ‘experts’ who want to take your money. Where do you start in finding a business coach for you.  

Here are some tips to think about – some of them are obvious and yet, it helps to see them written down in black and white.  

1. Research – if you have been given recommendations by friends and colleagues, go check out your potential coach’s LinkedIn recommendations. What are people saying about them and how does that resonate with you? 

2. Tailored – group coaching, masterminds, workshops or bootcamps are all great. We do a couple of these for people to firstly get to know us via a 90-minute workshop and secondly because founders have asked for peer learning groups. It’s not right for everybody and it might not be right for you. Find a coach who genuinely seems interested in YOU. 

3. Questions – look for those coaches that are asking you some difficult questions when you are talking to them. Ones that stretch you, it gives you the confidence that they know what they are talking about. You want them to get you thinking as you talk to them.  

4. Talk – if you are spending over a couple of grand, be that GBP or US Dollars, always ask to talk to people who have worked with your coach if you still have some questions.  

5. Gut – last and by no means least, go with your GUT. Do you connect with the potential coach you are talking to you? Do you see yourself working with them or are you trying to make yourself see that? It’s GOT to be natural for you and you both need to get along. 

There are so many coaches out there – good and bad. The most important thing of all for you is to find the person that ‘feels right’. Your coach, in many instances will become your friend and that’s a sure sign that you have found your person.  

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