This one is for any business owner who has reached a plateau in their business and is getting frustrated, that, despite their best efforts, the business simply doesn’t seem to be growing.
It’s time to step away from being in your business to being on your business.
When work starts to come in, you’ve got to deliver client projects, build those relationships, and stay focussed on getting those invoices paid. Ironically, this can be the greatest distraction to building your business. We’ve all done it.
Client delivery takes all your time away from business development. We’ve heard many clients say, “Oh I’ve reached capacity so I can’t take on any more clients.”
Great – want happens when that work has dried up and you’ve got nothing in the pipeline?
The problem is you’ve not got the time to do anything about it – here’s a few tips to CREATE that time.
- Outsource elements of the projects that aren’t worth your time. There are plenty of qualified VA’s and HR assistants out there who can do some of the more administrative work.
- Use some of the time you’ve gained back to a) improve your account management strategies with your existing clients and b) re-connect with leads that haven’t converted in the past and with referral partners. Give a specific ask of referral partners, for example, ‘I’m looking for one more client who is struggling to recruit the right candidates and is looking for help.’
- Prepare your LinkedIn posts a week in advance and get these scheduled. Think about what posts have resonated with your potential client base and recreate similar posts with a strong Call to Action.
Finally, look at your pricing, in a lot of instances, you may well be able to increase your pricing with new clients coming onboard as you are in such high demand. However, be comfortable with that price increase! There’s nothing worse than hiking up your prices on paper and then feeling uncomfortable when it comes to a potential negotiation.
The bottom line is you need to find ways to create more time and enable you to scale to have an active sales pipeline. No business can survive without it.