There are three essential things to do – and think of before launching your own HR consultancy.
Firstly, are you launching your business because you feel you have to do so? That is a dangerous mindset. Let me help you reset that into a positive.
Your years of experience and qualifications are a valuable resource needed by many. What was the outcome of some of the projects you worked on / headed up from your corporate days? That outcome will have had a positive impact on the business and that’s the kind of thing to start thinking about. Your mindset and perspective will play a fundamental role in your success as a business owner.
Take that outcome and connect it with what you could do for others. This is where you start thinking about your services and products that you want to offer. Here’s the philosophy I use with my clients to help them think about what they want to offer. “What is the problem your potential clients have and don’t want. What is the solution you have that they need?”
Great – you’ve thought about mindset, your products, and services. What comes next?
Where are you going to find your clients and what services complement what you are planning to do that may already have clients for you?
The where is always the tough part. If you have a great network, now’s the time to start reigniting that network and letting people know what you are doing and to see if they have any introductions to potential clients or referral partners that they could make.
For many founders who haven’t got a great network, it’s time to build one. Seek out great referral partners first and foremost and then expand from there.
Get as much clarity as you can on the sort of clients you want to work with and the problems you are solving upfront, this will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.